Saturday, October 29, 2011

Veering Down Memory Lane

So, my planned errand day didn't happen because my ride fell through....grrr.....

However, I did get some much needed rest and quiet time, so that was good.

In the process of doing a major overhaul of my room. It's a mess. I'm talking like Borderline A&E Hoarders messy. I collect things. They're not complete collections, just a bunch of different things that I like. Like my over 100 Baby-Sitters Club books that I still can't part with. And my growing Snapple cap collection. (I love the "Real Facts" on the inside!)

Then earlier tonight, I found a bunch of old elementary and middle school stuff (gawd!) and I found some old toys that managed to survive years of neglect. I found a Black barbie, a Ken doll with some really flamboyant swim trunks, and a Kristy from the BSC doll. I also found a clay truck that I made in third grade, two old McDonald's Furbys, and a small Zazu plush from the Lion King. Oh, and a plastic Pikachu. Seriously, I am strange.

I also found an old poem that I wrote, my eighth grade research paper on acting careers, and a story I wrote in fifth grade about the water cycle, featuring...get this... Willy Wetsworth! It may actually be children's book worthy if I felt brave enough to share it.

Pics of the old toys are on my Facebook, so if you're stalking me or whatever, you'll be able to find them. :) I also posted pics of me dressing up for Halloween, since I probably won't be going anywhere. I decided to be a girl from Moulin Rouge, and I'm wearing a red and black corset dress that has ample cleavage, so if you're into that sort of thing, take a look. ;)

Well, I ate pretty well today, considering that I slept through lunch. But I did have the last piece of my birthday cake from the 25th. Yet I think I will be okay.

Tomorrow, I will attempt to focus on schoolwork. Emphasis on attempt.

Peace always,


Friday, October 28, 2011

Very Wonderful Fall Day!

Today, I had a doctor's appointment. It was pretty much the usual looooonnnnnggggg wait in the waiting room, short visit with doc, long wait to get back home kind of thing. HOWEVER.....

I lost TEN pounds today! :) I didn't even realize it until the nurse read the number (which is still exponentially large, so I'm not sharing) back to me.

This has definitely given me the confidence boost and motivation to start my new healthy living plan. Yes, not a DIET, but an entire plan that focuses on my entire well being: mind, body, heart, and soul. I'm making it up as I go along, trying things to see what works and what doesn't. I will not deprive myself of anything. I'm just going to reduce the actual amount of food that I eat and get more active. I have a large goal ahead of me, but if I take even one more step than I did yesterday, I am in much better shape than I was before. It will happen eventually, and if not, fuck it. At least I tried.

Oh, and I got my flu and pneumonia shots. So now I'm protected before the cold and flu season. Yay.

Tomorrow is a day full of errands: pharmacy, bank, groceries, maybe some goodies too for Halloween. I have no idea what my costume will be yet. My neighborhood is all spaced out and isn't conducive for trick or treating. I will probably just buy some healthy candy for myself, maybe watch a movie or something on TV. Very vivacious of me, I know. I'm sooooo interesting, right?

Peace always,


First Entry

Hello, visitor! You can call me V. I don't know what will become of this blog, but I'm hoping that it will be fun and amusing anyway.

Currently, I am:

  • a firm believer in Peace. 
  • an online college student (in my final year of undergrad!)
  • a Psychology major
  • a pen pal/postcard swapper to people in various countries around the world
  • an online eMentor in a youth reading program
  • a proud mommy to a Betta fish named Fred 
  • contemplating why I'm even trying to start blogging after several years on hiatus
  • wondering how I managed to stay alive on this Earth for 24 years now (I just turned 24 three days ago!)
  • lying in my bed, composing this entry on my netbook (this is, btw, where I will be composing most of my entries, so get used to it)
  • hoping that someone will read this and continue to keep checking back for updates
So that's me in a nutshell right now. I could go on, but I think this is enough. I promise that I'll get more interesting as time goes on. Well, at least I hope so. 

Peace always!
