Thursday, February 2, 2012

"Grounding" Entry for Groundhog Day

If you've ever been in therapy or done anything self-help related, you may have heard of this thing called a "grounding exercise". It's something you do just to get your bearings and stay calm in the midst of a crisis or panic attack. See here. Well, I'm grounding myself, and on Groundhog Day, too. Who knew? ;) Oh, and if you didn't already know, we're in for a lonnnnnnngggggg Winter, just in case you're wondering.

I took a break from school until next month, in the beginning of March.

There. I said it.

Luckily, my online school was understanding when I called in and said that I needed some time off. Cool beans. Well, I guess it's a bit easier when you're not actually on a campus, lol. At least I didn't have to go through any forms or anything like that, thank God. I needed this break.

I also had to change medication. Again. Grrrrr......

On the bright side, I'm sending out Valentines! Yay! It feels good knowing that I'm sending them to people I care about, and who actually want them, as opposed to just giving them out to everyone in a classroom. That's awkward as hell.

Okay, so it sucks that I had to take a break from school (in my FINAL class) and that I'm changing medication. But I will live. And I am okay. Always.

Peace always,



  1. Yes, you will live :) And how awesome you were able to step back and recognize what you needed, then do something about it. Hope we made it on the Valentine list!

    1. Yes, you definitely made it on the list and the card is on its way! :) It's taken me a lot of time to be able to recognize my own needs and put myself first. It's not being selfish because I can't really help anyone else until I help myself! Put my mask on, then the small child's, you know?
